Unmatched global call event data set is trusted, accurate and always up to date for maximum reach & quality connections
Hiya business entities
Carrier partners
Public data
450M+ users
40+ countries
Additional sources
Hiya consumer app
The industry's only self-learning spam protection system
Hiya Protect uses Adaptive AI, a self-learning system that analyzes every aspect of a phone call to respond to new threats as they emerge and apply the right protection to every call.
With four layers of protection, Adaptive AI analyzes every aspect of the phone call - from the caller to the consumer receiving the call.
We deliver voice performance insights powered by data-driven science that move the business forward and deliver trusted customer connections
Turn-key Integrations
Non-intrusive integration options that won't slow you down. Hiya has network integrations with Nokia (both legacy Lucent and current Nokia systems), Ericsson, Titanium, and many more across the globe.